Pork Shoulder Burnt Ends Recipe | Otway Pork

Pork Shoulder Burnt Ends




6 people


20 mins


4 hr 30 mins


  • 1.5 kg Otway Pork shoulder
  • 30g olive oil
  • 4 tbsp Olga’s Pork Party rub
  • 70g salted butter
  • 80g brown sugar
  • 200g Barbecue Mafia Sticky Rib Glaze


  1. Pre heat the 4K to 105°C using 200g of charcoal. When the coals are ashed over, add a chunk of apple wood, fully close the lower vent and set the top vent to 1. Place a tray over the cast grills to catch any fat and drips from the pork. Top with the stainless-steel grills.

  2. Trim away any excess fat from the top of the pork shoulder. Cut into 4cm dice, drizzle with olive oil and gently rub all over. Evenly shake the Pork Party rub all over the oiled pork cubes and coat well.

  3. Place onto a wire rack, leaving a little space between the pork cubes. Position the rack onto the stainless-steel grills, close the hood and smoke for 3 hours. Remove and set aside

  4. Place a baking pan onto the grills and warm it up not gentle heat. Add in the butter, brown sugar and glaze. When its all combined, add in the burnt ends. Stir to coat, then cover with aluminium foil and place back into the 4K.

  5. Keep it cooking at the same temperature for an hour, or until they are tender. Remove the cover and place back in for a further 30 minutes to char the sides. Remove and allow them to cool slightly before serving.

Recipe by Bart Beek from Essence BBQ Labs.

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